
MatHop is a mix of hide-and-seek fun game with equations and answers displayed. For a parent, MatHop is a powerful tool that makes multiplication and division fund and easy to teach –the opposite of the flash cards boredom. For your kids, it is a fun game to become automatic and fluent with the multiplication and division facts while improving its mental math capabilities.

MatHop has been designed to facilitate the learning of multiplication and division in many ways.

Flexibility – Key for success

MatHop’s configuration panel enable the gradation of the difficulty for a tailored experience suitable for any kids – beginner to expert. Moreover, you can configure the game to adapt for specific learning strategy such as:

  • Multiples of zero only – the product is always 0 (0 x n or n x 0)
  • Multiples of one only – the product is always the other number (1 x n or n x 1)
  • Multiples of ten
  • Multiples of five
  • Practice commutative property (8 x 2 = 2 x 8)
  • Practice the facts in a strategic order (master 0-3, then 4-7 and then 8-12)
  • Multiplication only
  • Focus just on one specific division table
  • Division only
  • Mix of division and multiplication operation

MatHop allows to break down into digestible constituents, therefore avoiding the frustrations that frequently accompany the practice of learning multiplications and divisions facts. Use the above strategies with MatHop fun game to reinforce a well-structured math curriculum and watch your kids’ learning outcomes improve!

Positive learning environment

There are many ingredients that go into making a thriving learning environment. These ingredients were used to build MatHop in order to help your child succeed!

In that regard, one of the most well-known forms of anxiety is fear of cognitive failure. It often occurs in situations where the result of your child’s actions is measured such as during a test, and exam or while playing a game. Fear of cognitive failure mainly arises from anxiety about receiving negative appreciation or criticism for what your child have learned or done.  Negative stress, which manifests itself in the fear of cognitive failure, will have the effect of preventing your child from doing a good performance.

MatHop is designed to avoid the fear of cognitive failure. Therefore, it is forgiving while promoting and rewarding your child’s math knowledge acquisition! In that regard, there is no “score” presented during the game, avoiding the any type of negative appreciation. Your child will be notified when the selection of the equation/answer pair is right or wrong through a sound indicator and a visual-colored answer on the board.

Time tests and drill aren’t necessary unless your child thrives on time pressure and finds it satisfying to beat the clock. If so, you can use the timer at the top right of the screen as source of motivation.

MatHop, to maximize the child’s concentration, guarantee a learning environment without advertising. Your child will be able to learn these fundamentals notions without being distracted by flashing banner or any other type of advertisement.

Reinforce learning process

When the valid equation/answer pair is selected by your child MatHop will, sometime, display collectable rewards on the grid. However, if the wrong pair of equation/answer is selected, the correct answer will be displayed so the learning process – correct answer – is reinforced. Then, the equation will be reintroduced into the game and, eventually, will display again on the grid. This process is repeated until all the equation/answer pair are matched correctly.

Your child efforts will always rewards with collectable, added to the rewards board – positive learning reinforcement and fun!

Luck out of the equation

MatHop has been design in a way that “luck” is not the solution to find the right equation/answer. Most of the time, during a game, multiple possibilities of equation/answer will be presented to the child. Therefore, he can search for an answer or an equation and reverse his search strategy at will. MatHop focusses on building up your child’s math skill, one grid at a time.

Fun built in

MatHop combine a fun learning game, collectable rewards, and the possibility to play with the rewards. First, each completed grid will reward your child with a collectable added to the rewards board. Your child can then play with the rewards on the rewards board!  During the game, a reward can be selected in order to earn more of these rewards. At the end of the game, the reward present in majority on the grid is added to the rewards board.

Start using MatHop today!

Available without ads, on the Apps store, MatHop comes in two versions:

  • A free version for multiplication and division facts from 0 to 2
  • A full version for facts from 0 to 12.

Your child can learn these essential notions without the need for expensive subscription.

MatHop promote and reward your child’s math knowledge acquisition.

Download the game now on the App Store!

Full version

Free version