Privacy Policy

HoppiApps Inc. is committed to protect the privacy of its users (“users” / “you”) with regard to the processing of personal data. We are committed to handling the personal information under our control with care and comply with the applicable data protection requirements in Quebec, Canada.

The purpose of this document is to inform our users about the processing of their data. The Privacy Policy sets out the type of personal information received and stored by HoppiApps Inc. and its uses.

The Privacy Policy applies to all services offered on websites operated by HoppiApps, in particular and (“website”) and mobile applications, as well as the games offered for download through portals such as the Apple App Store or other. (“Games” or “Software”)

General principles
The HoppiApps Privacy Policy is subject to change without notice. You should read this policy whenever you feel it is necessary.

HoppiApps does not store any personal information. We will protect the information with security safeguards that are appropriate to the sensitivity of the information (such as our server logs), in order to protect it from unauthorized access, release, modification or use . However, no technological system is immune to computer attack, malicious manipulation or sabotage.

We treat all information collected in accordance with applicable Canadian and Quebec laws. The data will be deleted as soon as they are no longer necessary to achieve the purpose of their collection.

Our website can be used by all users without registration or prior purchase. HoppiApps does not use cookies and does not seek to remember the preferences of its users.

Server Logs
Like all websites, the HoppiApps Inc. server generates log files. The information in these files includes the IP address, browser type, service provider, pages accessed, dates and times the pages were accessed. This information is not linked to any personal information. Storage in log files is used to ensure the operation of the site. The data also helps us to optimize the website and to keep our IT systems secure. The data is analyzed for statistical purposes.

Our policy regarding children
HoppiApps will not solicit or collect information from children under the age of 13 at any time. If you have reason to believe that we have information about a child or from a child under the age of 13, please contact us at We are committed to delete children’s information promptly.

We do not collect any personal information through our apps. In addition, we do not have access to your payment information (credit card or other).

In-app purchases from the App Store
Please note that some of our Apps offer optional “in-app purchases”. Purchases are made through one of the payment methods configured on your device. The management of in-app purchases, such as protecting your settings with a password or disabling in-app purchases, is possible via the general settings of your device.

Purchase Mechanism
The processing of financial transactions that is triggered by an in-app purchase is handled by Apple. HoppiApps does not receive any information relating to your payment methods or any other financial information.

Like most downloaded software, a purchase made through our Apps (in-app purchase) is generally non-refundable. However, in some cases there may be exception. The transaction process is handled by Apple. Visit Apple Support and select the “Support for iTunes Store” link, then select “Purchase, Billing, and Refund”. Then choose the option that best suits your case.

Additional information
If you would like further information or have any questions regarding our Privacy Policy, please contact us by email at